About the Campaign for
Disability Employment

Every day, people with disabilities can and do make important contributions to America’s businesses. They have the drive to succeed in employment, and the skills and talent they need to deliver value and results for their employers.

These are messages that bear repeating far and wide. And that’s what the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is all about. Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, the CDE is a collaborative effort among several disability and business organizations that promotes the hiring, retention and advancement of people with disabilities in America’s workforce.

Multimedia Products & Activities:
The CDE’s multi-faceted campaign called “What Can YOU Do?” features a series of public service announcements (PSAs) and coordinating media products, all designed to promote positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities. Our products and positive messages are encouraging businesses and others to recognize the value that individuals with disabilities bring to the workplace, and the benefits that result.

The CDE’s five powerful PSAs—“I Can,” “Because,” “Who I Am,” “Working Works” and “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?”—have aired more than 499,000 times on television and radio stations nationwide, earning more than $99 million in donated airtime. All can be downloaded from the CDE website, along with other tools and tangible ideas for supporting the Campaign’s goals, such as discussion guides, posters, a CDE support badge, and ready-to-publish news briefs for publications and social media platforms.

So what are you waiting for? Learn how to join our movement, and get started today!

CDE Fact Sheet

Campaign for Disability Employment Fact Sheet
Download and print this helpful backgrounder on our campaign.

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