Recent CDE News
October 31, 2024
In October, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) joined the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) in observing National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2024. Held every October, NDEAM is a fitting time to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. Every year, ODEP offers a number of NDEAM tools and resources, including the official NDEAM poster, an animated online video exploring the spirit of NDEAM, and social media graphics for individuals and organizations to incorporate into their own NDEAM observances. Find tools and ideas for celebrating the spirit of NDEAM, every day of every month.
CDE News 2023
October 19, 2023
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has won a prestigious Platinum PR Award. The CDE’s “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” PSA and supporting products took top honors in the Campaign of the Year – Other category. Sponsored by PR News, the Platinum PR Awards is a competitive awards program in the communications space, with winning entries representing excellence across people, teams and campaigns.
August 15, 2023
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has launched What Can State Agencies Do? – A Step-by-Step Implementation Guide for State Agencies. Designed for state-level government agencies looking to engage in public education about disability employment, the guide reviews specific campaigns, products and resources offered by the CDE. It also explores the important role state agencies can play in raising awareness about the employment of people with disabilities, and specific steps they can take to advance supportive employment efforts in their state. Visit the CDE’s Resources for State Agencies page to access the guide and learn more.
May 1, 2023
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) launched Mental Health at Work—a new initiative that connects work being done across DOL agencies to improve worker wellbeing, reduce stigma, and promote equitable access to mental health resources and treatment. As part of this, DOL developed a new webpage centralizing workplace mental health tools and resources.
CDE News 2022
May 6, 2022
As part of its Mental Health Awareness Month observance, the U.S. Department of Labor will host a Twitter chat on May 11 at 1:00 p.m. ET. This Twitter chat will explore mental health in the workplace context and invite discussion about strategies employers can use to promote a mental health-friendly work culture and support workers with mental health conditions. Employers, employees, mental health advocates and anyone interested in promoting workplace wellbeing are invited to join. To do so, use the hashtag #MentalHealthAtWork.
March 29, 2022
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has launched its latest public education campaign, “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” At the heart of this campaign is a public service announcement (PSA), available in both English and Spanish, that highlights how everyone in a workplace setting—whether a CEO, manager, co-worker or employee with a mental health condition—plays a role in promoting workplace wellbeing. In addition to being distributed nationally to television and radio stations, various versions of the PSA can be downloaded from the web along with a set of “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” companion materials. These include posters, behind-the-scenes video interviews and a workplace mental health guide.
CDE News 2021
September 14, 2021
Join the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and the Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN) on Thursday, September 23, 2021, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET for a Twitter Chat in preparation for October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Participants will learn ways employers and others can participate in NDEAM and incorporate this year’s theme into workplace activities. The event will also explore new U.S. Department of Labor resources to support employees experiencing lasting effects of COVID-19 (“Long COVID”), supportive telework strategies and more. To follow and join the conversation, log on to Twitter at the designated time using the hashtag #CelebrateNDEAM.
July 22, 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has unveiled the official poster for National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2021. Available for download in both English and Spanish, the poster illustrates this year’s NDEAM theme, “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion.” Through bold text and imagery, the poster conveys the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities have full access to employment and community involvement during the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. NDEAM is held each October to commemorate the many and varied contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy. Learn more about NDEAM.
May 13, 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has announced that this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme will be America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion. Held every October, NDEAM is a fitting time to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. More information on NDEAM 2021, including the official poster, will be released in coming weeks. Find tools and ideas for celebrating NDEAM.
February 3, 2021
If you’ve been driving the nation’s highways in recent months, you might have caught a glimpse of the CDE’s billboard campaign. In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the CDE made its billboard artwork available to outdoor advertising companies to fill their unused space across the country. This resulted in 95 placements in numerous markets. If you happen to spot one of the billboards, please let us know!
February 2, 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), which funds the CDE, is celebrating “20 Years of Driving Change and Creating Opportunity” throughout 2021. Visit ODEP’s website to learn about its history, its authorizing legislation, and its many accomplishments and initiatives since its establishment. The site also hosts the “Driving Change, Creating Opportunity” blog series, a yearlong look at ODEP’s first two decades and how those years will inform the future. Officially established in 2001, ODEP is the only non-regulatory federal agency that promotes policies and coordinates with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities.
CDE News 2020-2015
October 1, 2020
AMC Networks will be airing the CDE’s “Who I Am” public service announcement on-air and online throughout National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2020. It’s all part of AMC Networks’ Visibility Collection—featured programming that spotlights and celebrates people living with disabilities. The Visibility Collection includes the all-new series of short films CripTales, Critics’ Choice Award-winner Push Girls, and Peabody Award-nominee This Close, which has received the Ruderman Family Foundation Seal of Authentic Representation. The collection will be available to stream for free (no log-in required) throughout October 2020. The CDE is grateful to AMC Networks for making the “Who I Am” PSA a part of its NDEAM programming!
June 30, 2020
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced that “Increasing Access and Opportunity” is the 2020 theme for October’s annual observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). This year’s NDEAM observation, the nation’s 75th, will be one of the culminating events of DOL’s year–long observance of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which centers on the same theme. Read the DOL press release or learn more about NDEAM.
March 10, 2020
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and its funding entity, the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), care about the health and safety of America’s workers, at all times. In response to the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, DOL has compiled a list of resources to help. Read the DOL press release and access DOL’s coronavirus web page.
January 30, 2020
This year marks 30 years since a major milestone in our nation’s history—the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In honor of ADA30, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has released its “Who I Am” public service announcement (PSA) as a national radio PSA. Originally launched in 2014 as a television spot, “Who I Am” features nine real people with disabilities—some obvious and some not—sharing how they describe themselves, from personal interests to family relationships to occupations. Among them is film and television actor RJ Mitte, best known for his roles in AMC’s “Breaking Bad” and ABC Family’s “Switched at Birth.” Rather than be defined by disability, these individuals are the sum of their many life roles—which includes working in jobs they love. To learn how to air this and other CDE PSAs in your local market, contact the CDE.
November 6, 2019
The Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) latest public service announcement (PSA) campaign has won a communications industry award. The “Working Works” PSA and its supporting products received a Gold level MarCom Award in the PSA Campaign category. The MarCom Awards are an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communication professionals. About 6,000 entries were submitted by those ranging from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies. Learn more about the winning entries.
September 23, 2019
Ready to “Say Cheese”? The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is excited to host our latest photo-sharing campaign. To help celebrate this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month theme, we’re inviting people with disabilities and other friends of the CDE to share photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram highlighting why they’re “The Right Talent, RightNow.” Just post a photo of yourself in the workplace using the hashtag #RightTalentRightNow. To learn more and download signs to hold in your photo, visit the CDE’s photo-sharing web page.
August 19, 2019
A hard-copy DVD of the Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) “Working Works” public service announcement (PSA) is now available for mail order. This new resource includes an accessible, talking menu DVD with various versions of the PSA, as well as three discussion guides intended to spark conversations about the PSA’s stay-at-work/return-to-work message among co-workers, employer representatives and healthcare professionals. The package is available free of charge in both English and Spanish. View the discussion guides and order the DVD.
June 27, 2019
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has announced that this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme will be The Right Talent, Right Now. Held every October, NDEAM is a fitting time to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. Find tools and ideas for celebrating NDEAM, including the 2019 NDEAM poster, which can be downloaded or ordered by mail.
March 22, 2019
Want to learn more about the individuals featured in the Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) “Working Works” public service announcement (PSA)? Three new videos feature interviews with several of its cast members, including: Bruce Goebel, a cabinet maker who had a machinery accident that severed his right hand; Chanelle Houston, a research analyst who experienced a spinal cord injury in 2009; and Ish Escobar, a veteran with service-connected disabilities. In the videos, Bruce, Chanelle and Ish talk about their experiences returning to work after injury or illness and the important role that different people—including employers, colleagues, healthcare professionals and family members—played in supporting them along the way. View the videos and read the bios of the PSA cast members.
February 22, 2019
Working works. It lets people earn a living and contribute their skills and experience. For some, it may also be about pursuing a passion, taking on new challenges or being part of a team. During a Twitter chat on March 21, 2019 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET, the CDE will explore the many reasons people work and the important roles different people—including employers, colleagues, healthcare professionals and family members—play in helping individuals who become ill or injured remain in the workforce. Joining in the conversation will be special guest Chanelle Houston, one of the participants in the CDE’s “Working Works” PSA, who will share her experiences returning to work after a spinal cord injury nine years ago. To participate, join Twitter at the designated time using the hashtag #WorkingWorks.
October 29, 2018
Today, in honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) launched its latest PSA campaign, “Working Works.” Through the voices of several individuals, the PSA explores the many reasons people work, including after injury or illness. Its four primary cast members include Major League Baseball great Cal Ripken, Jr. and three other individuals who partnered with their employers and health-care professionals to make a plan to stay at or return to work following illness or injury. Their stories emphasize the importance of working together on supportive work strategies—for the benefit of individuals, families, employers and the nation. “Working Works” is the fourth in the CDE’s series of PSAs exploring different aspects of disability employment. To learn more, visit the “Working Works” toolkit.
October 23, 2018
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has won another industry award. The initiative received a Gold level MarCom Award in the category of website redesign, as well as an honorable mention in the government website category. The MarCom Awards are an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communication professionals. About 6,000 entries were submitted by those ranging from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies. Learn more about the winning entries.
August 2, 2018
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) website was recently honored with a 2018 Platinum dotCOMM Award in the Government Website category. The award, which honors excellence in web creativity and digital communication, was presented in recognition of the CDE’s revamped website,, which launched earlier this year. The website’s new look and structure have been integral in our mission to promote positive messages about the skills and talents that people with disabilities bring to America’s workplaces and economy. See the full list of dotCOMM winners.
July 10, 2018
The U.S. Business Leadership Network (USBLN), a founding member of the Campaign for Disability Employment, has rebranded to Disability:IN to better reflect its strengthened mission of empowering businesses to capitalize on the talents of people with disabilities. The new brand was launched July 10 in Las Vegas at the organization’s annual conference and expo, which attracted more than 1,500 people representing businesses and organizations committed to advancing the employment of people with disabilities. Since its inception, Disability:IN has helped 160 partner businesses attract more than 10,000 candidates with disabilities. Learn more about the rebranding.
May 29, 2018
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has announced that this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme will be America’s Workforce: Empowering All. “A workforce that empowers everyone is good for job seekers as well as job creators,” said the U.S. Secretary of Labor when announcing the theme. “Over the past year, the unemployment rate for individuals with disabilities has significantly declined. Continued steady job creation will provide even more opportunities for all Americans to get hired and provide for their families.” Held every October, NDEAM is a fitting time to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. More information on NDEAM 2018, including the official poster, will be released in coming weeks. Find tools and ideas for celebrating NDEAM.
April 26, 2018
For many people, work provides not only a paycheck, but also purpose and the opportunity to live an independent, self-directed life. So when significant injury or illness occurs, workers can face difficult choices, including whether to stay at or return to work when feasible. If they leave the labor force for a period of time, they may have understandable concerns about how working will impact disability benefits and services. If they stay at or return to their previous place of employment, they—and their employers—may have legitimate questions about how to ensure a smooth process. During a Twitter chat on May 31, 2018 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET, the CDE will welcome experts from Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program and the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s Job Accommodation Network to answer questions about both scenarios. To join the discussion, use #CDEChat.
April 3, 2018
Ready to “Say Cheese”? The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is excited to announce the launch of our first ever photo-sharing effort! To help spread the message that, “At work, it’s what people CAN do that matters,” we’re inviting people with disabilities and other friends of the CDE to share photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that highlight what they CAN do at work. Just use the hashtag #ICanCDE when you post your photo.
To participate on Facebook, consider changing your profile photo to a picture for the campaign, and then add our customized photo frame. Or, you can print and hold this sign in your photo and post it to your feeds on all three platforms.
Don’t forget to make your posts accessible by describing your photos in the captions of your posts. (Twitter and Facebook also allow you to add alt-text descriptions to your images.)
We can’t wait to see your photos illustrating the many contributions of people with disabilities—all across social media and in workplaces far and wide.
March 14, 2018
This week, the U.S. Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Blog published a contributed post penned by the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) team. Featuring background on the CDE’s newly redesigned website, the blog highlights some of the stars of the Campaign’s “Who I Am” public service announcement and recommends ways that people with disabilities can leverage CDE resources. Read the CDE’s guest blog.
January 3, 2018
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is delighted to welcome the National Organization on Disability (NOD) as the campaign’s latest Member. In its new role, NOD will meet regularly with the Office of Disability Employment Policy and fellow CDE Members to help steer the multi-faceted campaign and amplify its messages. NOD is a private, non-profit organization that promotes the full participation and contributions of America’s people with disabilities in all aspects of life. Much of NOD’s activities focus on increasing employment opportunities for the 80-percent of working-age Americans with disabilities who are not employed. To learn more, visit
January 2, 2018
Disability-friendly workplaces are about more than hiring; they’re about facilitating a supportive culture across an organization’s employment lifecycle, from application to onboarding to advancement. On January 17, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. ET, the Campaign for Disability Employment will explore this concept during a Twitter chat with its Member the Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN). Representatives from EARN will be on hand to discuss its new employer policy framework outlining seven core components of a disability-friendly workplace. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with EARN and others to learn and share how these components can and are being put into practice by businesses both large and small.
September 20, 2017
The official poster for National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2017 is now available to order for free in print or electronic copy in English and Spanish from the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s website! Show how “Inclusion Drives Innovation” by displaying these colorful and dynamic posters in your business, organization, classroom or wherever you would like to share the message of NDEAM. Get the posters.
August 3, 2017
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has announced that this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month theme will be “Inclusion Drives Innovation.” “Americans of all abilities must have access to good, safe jobs,” said the U.S. Secretary of Labor when announcing the theme. “Smart employers know that including different perspectives in problem-solving situations leads to better solutions. Hiring employees with talents and abilities strengthens their business, increases competition and drives innovation.” Find tools and ideas for celebrating NDEAM.
July 11, 2017
Mark your calendar! In recognition of the 27th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and our founding Member the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) are hosting a Twitter chat on Thursday, July 27, 2017 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET. Titled “#ADA27CDE – Celebrating 27 Years of the ADA,” the chat will feature special guest Tracie DeFreitas, a Lead Consultant at JAN. Don’t miss this chance to engage with Tracie and others in an online discussion about the basics of accommodations and the critical role they play in maximizing employee productivity and creating a supportive workplace culture. To participate in the conversation, please use the hashtag #ADA27CDE.
June 16, 2017
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is delighted to be teaming up with the Social Security Administration (SSA) Ticket to Work program on its next Twitter chat. Scheduled for Thursday, June 29 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET, the chat will explore tips and resources to help people with disabilities find job training and employment support. To participate in the chat, please log on to Twitter and use #DEChat.
May 26, 2017
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is pleased to announce that the Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN) has joined the campaign’s membership slate. As such, it will join the CDE’s other seven members in shaping and steering the campaign’s products and future activities. Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy under a cooperative agreement, EARN is a free resource that helps employers tap the benefits of people with disabilities. Learn more about EARN.
April 21, 2017
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) are hosting a Twitter chat on Thursday, May 11, 2017 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET. Titled “#CDEMentalHealth: Creating Supportive Work Environments for People with Mental Health Disabilities,” the chat will feature special guest Andy Imparato, Executive Director of AUCD. Don’t miss this chance to engage with Andy and others in an online discussion about helping people with mental health disabilities thrive in the workplace. To participate in the conversation, please use the hashtag #CDEMentalHealth. Sample questions that will be posed during the chat include the following:
Q: What do you feel are the pros of being open about a mental health disability at work?
Q: What can employers do to be supportive of people with mental health disabilities?
Q: What are some accommodations that have helped you thrive at work?
Q: What strategies have you used to request accommodations for a mental health disability?
Q: How do you balance caring for your mental health with working?
Q: What resources on workplace mental health do you recommend employers know about?
Q:What do you think all workplaces can do to combat stigma around mental heath disabilities?
February 27, 2017
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has announced that its three national public service announcements will be screened during the ReelAbilities Film Festival, which takes place March 9 – 12, 2017 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Thousands are expected for the Hollywood style film screening extravaganza, including notable celebrities and disability thought leaders. Among them are keynote speaker RJ Mitte, well known for his role as Walter “Flynn” White on the AMC hit “Breaking Bad” and one of the participants in the CDE’s “Who I Am” PSA. The festival will include events, workshops, speakers and more than 60 powerful films that showcase the stories, lives and art of people who experience disabilities.
January 19, 2017
In honor of National Mentoring Month, the National Down Syndrome Society is hosting a free webinar on the value of career mentorship for youth with disabilities. Among the speakers will be Derek Shields, co-chair of the National Disability Mentoring Coalition. Scheduled for January 30 at 1 p.m. ET, the online event will explore various disability mentoring program models, tips for effective networking and personal stories from the front lines of mentoring. The event will also showcase CDE tools and resources that support the concepts of mentoring and career preparation for youth with disabilities. To register and learn more, visit the webinar registration page.
December 16, 2016
In honor of National Mentoring Month and “I Am a Mentor Day,” ODEP’s Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and its member organization the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) are hosting a Twitter chat on Thursday, January 12, 2017 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET. The chat will feature special guest Derek Shields, co-chair of the National Disability Mentoring Coalition, who will help generate an online discussion about career mentoring and its role in the employment success of people with disabilities, especially those who are new to the workforce. To participate in this important Twitter conversation, please use the hashtag #DisabilityMentors.
September 29, 2016
Please join the Campaign for Disability Employment and the Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society on October 18 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET for a Twitter chat featuring special guest Curtis Pride, former Major League Baseball (MLB) outfielder, current Gallaudet University Head Baseball Coach and MLB Ambassador. Held in honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), the theme of the chat is “Fielding a Full Team in the Workplace.” The chat will focus on what people with disabilities can do to knock their career goals out of the park—and how employers can step up to the plate to support a full team in their workplaces.
July 7, 2016
On Thursday, July 28 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET, the Campaign for Disability Employment is hosting its first Twitter chat on advancing the employment prospects of youth and young adults with disabilities. Held in honor of the 26th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the chat will serve as a prelude to this October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) by highlighting why supportive workplace practices are so important for the current generation of youth with disabilities who are either transitioning to or just starting out in the workforce. The chat will explore what today’s post-ADA generation of youth with disabilities see as key to their workplace success—and the ways in which employers can support them. To participate in the Twitter chat, use the hashtag #CDEYouth.
June 15, 2016
Today, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) announced that it is now on Instagram! With a strong focus on positive imagery and messages about disability and employment, the campaign’s Instagram presence will help further showcase our core message that “at work, it’s what people CAN do that matters.” Follow the CDE on Instagram.
March 25, 2015
The Campaign for Disability Employment has new materials that can help businesses express their commitment to the employment of people with disabilities. The free materials include a discussion guide and posters that are centered on the new video public service announcement titled “Who I Am.” The PSA features nine people with disabilities sharing the many ways they describe themselves, from personal interests to family relationships to occupations. The discussion guide and posters are available in English and Spanish. Learn more and download the “Who I Am” materials.
CDE News 2014-2009
November 16, 2014
The “Who I Am” PSA has begun airing on TV stations around the country. The PSA, which was released at a White House event last month, features nine real people with disabilities who are not defined solely by their disability but instead by their many life roles. View the PSA and learn more about the Campaign for Disability Employment.
October 14, 2014
The Campaign for Disability Employment today released a new public service announcement during a White House event celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month. “Who I Am” features nine real people with disabilities who demonstrate that they are the sum of their many life roles. View the PSA and learn more about the Campaign for Disability Employment.
November 20, 2013
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) today announced the availability of a discussion guide to accompany the “Because” public service announcement (PSA) distributed earlier this year. The “Because” PSA has a simple but significant message—that youth with disabilities, like all youth, should grow up expecting to work and succeed, and parents, educators and other adults of influence in their lives should reinforce this expectation at every turn. The new discussion guide—which comes with a DVD containing the PSA—can be used to facilitate a conversation about this important topic among adults or youth in a variety of settings. Free of charge, it is available in both English and Spanish. Learn how to download or order the Discussion Guide.
June 24, 2013
The Campaign for Disability Employment was off to the races when the “Because” public service announcement aired on the big screen at the Indianapolis 500. The annual event, billed as the Greatest Spectacle in Racing, was attended by more than 250,000 people. The PSA was seen by 1.3 million people throughout the race weekend.
January 7, 2013
To help millions of people recognize what they can do to make a difference in the lives—and future careers—of young people with disabilities, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Campaign for Disability Employment has released a new video public service announcement titled “Because.” Learn more about the “Because” PSA.
June 22, 2012
Today the Campaign for Disability Employment announced the runner-up winners of the 2012 “What can YOU do?” video contest. Overall contest winners in three categories were announced in late May, and the public was asked to participate by voting for the top two videos out of four runners-up. Nearly 900 votes were cast. The first runner-up video, “Hire Me for My Ability,” was submitted by Developmental Disabilities Service Organization Inc.’s Employment Plus program, based in Sacramento, CA, and the second, “Yes I Can,” was submitted by students from the Henry Viscardi School in Albertson, N.Y. Learn more about the video contest.
May 29, 2012
The Campaign for Disability Employment has selected the winning videos in the 2012 “What can YOU do?” video contest! This nationwide contest challenged filmmakers to produce disability employment awareness videos that reflect the skills people with disabilities offer, challenge common misconceptions about disability employment and reinforce the CDE’s core message that, at work, it’s what people CAN do that matters. Learn more about the video contest.
February 27, 2012
Would YOU like to win an Apple® iPad® or cash prize? The Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) nationwide video contest is your chance to try! Announced in January, the CDE’s “What can YOU do?” Video Contest was launched to promote the talent and skills that people with disabilities bring to America’s workforce and economy. This is your opportunity to promote positive change by producing a video that illustrates that at work, it’s what people CAN do that matters. Learn more about the video contest.
January 24, 2012
Can YOU promote positive change and challenge misconceptions about disability employment? Show us! The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has launched a nationwide “What can YOU do?” Video Contest to promote the talent and skills that people with disabilities bring to America’s workforce and economy. This is your opportunity to produce a video that illustrates that at work, it’s what people CAN do that matters. The deadline for entry is March 30, 2012. Learn about the video contest.
November 17, 2011
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) today announced that its “I Can” public service announcement (PSA) has been recognized with a 2011 MarCom Award. The PSA, which challenges common misconceptions about disability and employment, was recognized in the Gold category for “exceeding the high standards of the industry norm.” This marks the fourth industry honor for “I Can,” which was previously recognized by PRWeek, the Public Relations Society of America and PR News.
July 11, 2011
The Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) “I Can” public service announcement (PSA) was recently recognized by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), the world’s largest and foremost organization of public relations professionals. The PSA, which challenges common misconceptions about disability and employment, was awarded a PRSA Bronze Anvil Award of Commendation (AOC). This marks the second national honor for “I Can,” which was previously recognized by PRWeek in March 2011.
March 15, 2011
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) received Honorable Mention in the category of Best Use of Audio/Video for the “I Can” video public service announcement (PSA) at the 2010 PRWeek Awards held in New York City, March 10, 2011. Each year, PRWeek awards corporate, nonprofit, agency and educational institutions in recognition of excellence in public relations activities.
December 30, 2010
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is proud to announce that its “I Can” video public service announcement (PSA) has been selected as a finalist for a 2010 PRWeek Award in the category of “Best Use of Audio/Video.” Each year, PRWeek Awards are awarded to corporate, nonprofit, agency and educational institutions in recognition of excellence in public relations activities. Winners will be announced on March 10, 2011 in New York City at the PRWeek Awards 2011 ceremony.
December 8, 2010
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy today announced a series of new products through the Campaign for Disability Employment that are designed to promote the hiring, retention and advancement of people with disabilities, and dispel negative stereotypes about disability and employment. Learn more about the tools.
October 29, 2010
Today, Best Buy and the Campaign for Disability Employment, a newly-formed collaborative of leading disability organizations, announced the winner of the What Can YOU Do? Video Contest. The national competition, which attracted more than 130 videos promoting the talent and skills that people with disabilities bring to America’s workplaces and economy, was won by Mississippi native Blake Watson. Learn more about the video contest.
September 18, 2009
Last evening at the U.S. Business Leadership Network’s (USBLN) Annual Conference and National Career Fair, several leading disability organizations launched the Campaign for Disability Employment, a new collaborative effort to promote positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities. Learn about the campaign.
- 2025-2024
Recent CDE News
The CDE Celebrates NDEAM 2024
October 31, 2024
In October, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) joined the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) in observing National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2024. Held every October, NDEAM is a fitting time to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. Every year, ODEP offers a number of NDEAM tools and resources, including the official NDEAM poster, an animated online video exploring the spirit of NDEAM, and social media graphics for individuals and organizations to incorporate into their own NDEAM observances. Find tools and ideas for celebrating the spirit of NDEAM, every day of every month.
- 2023
CDE News 2023
Campaign for Disability Employment Wins Platinum PR Award
October 19, 2023
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has won a prestigious Platinum PR Award. The CDE’s “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” PSA and supporting products took top honors in the Campaign of the Year – Other category. Sponsored by PR News, the Platinum PR Awards is a competitive awards program in the communications space, with winning entries representing excellence across people, teams and campaigns.
CDE Launches Toolkit for State Agencies
August 15, 2023
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has launched What Can State Agencies Do? – A Step-by-Step Implementation Guide for State Agencies. Designed for state-level government agencies looking to engage in public education about disability employment, the guide reviews specific campaigns, products and resources offered by the CDE. It also explores the important role state agencies can play in raising awareness about the employment of people with disabilities, and specific steps they can take to advance supportive employment efforts in their state. Visit the CDE’s Resources for State Agencies page to access the guide and learn more.
Labor Department Launches Mental Health at Work Initiative
May 1, 2023
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) launched Mental Health at Work—a new initiative that connects work being done across DOL agencies to improve worker wellbeing, reduce stigma, and promote equitable access to mental health resources and treatment. As part of this, DOL developed a new webpage centralizing workplace mental health tools and resources.
- 2022
CDE News 2022
U.S. DOL to Host #MentalHealthAtWork Twitter Chat on May 11
May 6, 2022
As part of its Mental Health Awareness Month observance, the U.S. Department of Labor will host a Twitter chat on May 11 at 1:00 p.m. ET. This Twitter chat will explore mental health in the workplace context and invite discussion about strategies employers can use to promote a mental health-friendly work culture and support workers with mental health conditions. Employers, employees, mental health advocates and anyone interested in promoting workplace wellbeing are invited to join. To do so, use the hashtag #MentalHealthAtWork.
Campaign for Disability Employment Launches PSA on Workplace Mental Health
March 29, 2022
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has launched its latest public education campaign, “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” At the heart of this campaign is a public service announcement (PSA), available in both English and Spanish, that highlights how everyone in a workplace setting—whether a CEO, manager, co-worker or employee with a mental health condition—plays a role in promoting workplace wellbeing. In addition to being distributed nationally to television and radio stations, various versions of the PSA can be downloaded from the web along with a set of “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” companion materials. These include posters, behind-the-scenes video interviews and a workplace mental health guide.
- 2021
CDE News 2021
CDE and EARN to Co-Host September 23 NDEAM Twitter Chat
September 14, 2021
Join the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and the Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN) on Thursday, September 23, 2021, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET for a Twitter Chat in preparation for October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Participants will learn ways employers and others can participate in NDEAM and incorporate this year’s theme into workplace activities. The event will also explore new U.S. Department of Labor resources to support employees experiencing lasting effects of COVID-19 (“Long COVID”), supportive telework strategies and more. To follow and join the conversation, log on to Twitter at the designated time using the hashtag #CelebrateNDEAM.
NDEAM 2021 Poster Now Available
July 22, 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has unveiled the official poster for National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2021. Available for download in both English and Spanish, the poster illustrates this year’s NDEAM theme, “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion.” Through bold text and imagery, the poster conveys the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities have full access to employment and community involvement during the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. NDEAM is held each October to commemorate the many and varied contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy. Learn more about NDEAM.
ODEP Announces 2021 NDEAM Theme – America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion
May 13, 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has announced that this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme will be America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion. Held every October, NDEAM is a fitting time to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. More information on NDEAM 2021, including the official poster, will be released in coming weeks. Find tools and ideas for celebrating NDEAM.
CDE Billboards Grace the Nation’s Highways
February 3, 2021
If you’ve been driving the nation’s highways in recent months, you might have caught a glimpse of the CDE’s billboard campaign. In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the CDE made its billboard artwork available to outdoor advertising companies to fill their unused space across the country. This resulted in 95 placements in numerous markets. If you happen to spot one of the billboards, please let us know!
ODEP Celebrates 20th Anniversary
February 2, 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), which funds the CDE, is celebrating “20 Years of Driving Change and Creating Opportunity” throughout 2021. Visit ODEP’s website to learn about its history, its authorizing legislation, and its many accomplishments and initiatives since its establishment. The site also hosts the “Driving Change, Creating Opportunity” blog series, a yearlong look at ODEP’s first two decades and how those years will inform the future. Officially established in 2001, ODEP is the only non-regulatory federal agency that promotes policies and coordinates with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities.
- 2020 - 2015
CDE News 2020-2015
AMC Networks to Showcase ‘Who I Am’ PSA During NDEAM
October 1, 2020
AMC Networks will be airing the CDE’s “Who I Am” public service announcement on-air and online throughout National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2020. It’s all part of AMC Networks’ Visibility Collection—featured programming that spotlights and celebrates people living with disabilities. The Visibility Collection includes the all-new series of short films CripTales, Critics’ Choice Award-winner Push Girls, and Peabody Award-nominee This Close, which has received the Ruderman Family Foundation Seal of Authentic Representation. The collection will be available to stream for free (no log-in required) throughout October 2020. The CDE is grateful to AMC Networks for making the “Who I Am” PSA a part of its NDEAM programming!
Labor Department Releases 2020 NDEAM Theme and Poster
June 30, 2020
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced that “Increasing Access and Opportunity” is the 2020 theme for October’s annual observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). This year’s NDEAM observation, the nation’s 75th, will be one of the culminating events of DOL’s year–long observance of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which centers on the same theme. Read the DOL press release or learn more about NDEAM.
Labor Department Offers COVID-19 Resources
March 10, 2020
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and its funding entity, the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), care about the health and safety of America’s workers, at all times. In response to the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, DOL has compiled a list of resources to help. Read the DOL press release and access DOL’s coronavirus web page.
CDE Releases ‘Who I Am’ Radio PSA in Honor of ADA30
January 30, 2020
This year marks 30 years since a major milestone in our nation’s history—the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In honor of ADA30, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has released its “Who I Am” public service announcement (PSA) as a national radio PSA. Originally launched in 2014 as a television spot, “Who I Am” features nine real people with disabilities—some obvious and some not—sharing how they describe themselves, from personal interests to family relationships to occupations. Among them is film and television actor RJ Mitte, best known for his roles in AMC’s “Breaking Bad” and ABC Family’s “Switched at Birth.” Rather than be defined by disability, these individuals are the sum of their many life roles—which includes working in jobs they love. To learn how to air this and other CDE PSAs in your local market, contact the CDE.
‘Working Works’ Campaign Wins MarCom Gold Award
November 6, 2019
The Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) latest public service announcement (PSA) campaign has won a communications industry award. The “Working Works” PSA and its supporting products received a Gold level MarCom Award in the PSA Campaign category. The MarCom Awards are an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communication professionals. About 6,000 entries were submitted by those ranging from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies. Learn more about the winning entries.
CDE Launches #RightTalentRightNow Photo-Sharing Campaign
September 23, 2019
Ready to “Say Cheese”? The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is excited to host our latest photo-sharing campaign. To help celebrate this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month theme, we’re inviting people with disabilities and other friends of the CDE to share photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram highlighting why they’re “The Right Talent, RightNow.” Just post a photo of yourself in the workplace using the hashtag #RightTalentRightNow. To learn more and download signs to hold in your photo, visit the CDE’s photo-sharing web page.
CDE Releases ‘Working Works’ Discussion Guide/DVD Package
August 19, 2019
A hard-copy DVD of the Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) “Working Works” public service announcement (PSA) is now available for mail order. This new resource includes an accessible, talking menu DVD with various versions of the PSA, as well as three discussion guides intended to spark conversations about the PSA’s stay-at-work/return-to-work message among co-workers, employer representatives and healthcare professionals. The package is available free of charge in both English and Spanish. View the discussion guides and order the DVD.
ODEP Announces 2019 NDEAM Theme – The Right Talent, Right Now
June 27, 2019
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has announced that this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme will be The Right Talent, Right Now. Held every October, NDEAM is a fitting time to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. Find tools and ideas for celebrating NDEAM, including the 2019 NDEAM poster, which can be downloaded or ordered by mail.
New Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Meet the Cast of the ‘Working Works’ PSA
March 22, 2019
Want to learn more about the individuals featured in the Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) “Working Works” public service announcement (PSA)? Three new videos feature interviews with several of its cast members, including: Bruce Goebel, a cabinet maker who had a machinery accident that severed his right hand; Chanelle Houston, a research analyst who experienced a spinal cord injury in 2009; and Ish Escobar, a veteran with service-connected disabilities. In the videos, Bruce, Chanelle and Ish talk about their experiences returning to work after injury or illness and the important role that different people—including employers, colleagues, healthcare professionals and family members—played in supporting them along the way. View the videos and read the bios of the PSA cast members.
CDE to Host March 21 ‘Working Works’ Twitter Chat
February 22, 2019
Working works. It lets people earn a living and contribute their skills and experience. For some, it may also be about pursuing a passion, taking on new challenges or being part of a team. During a Twitter chat on March 21, 2019 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET, the CDE will explore the many reasons people work and the important roles different people—including employers, colleagues, healthcare professionals and family members—play in helping individuals who become ill or injured remain in the workforce. Joining in the conversation will be special guest Chanelle Houston, one of the participants in the CDE’s “Working Works” PSA, who will share her experiences returning to work after a spinal cord injury nine years ago. To participate, join Twitter at the designated time using the hashtag #WorkingWorks.
CDE Launches ‘Working Works’ PSA
October 29, 2018
Today, in honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) launched its latest PSA campaign, “Working Works.” Through the voices of several individuals, the PSA explores the many reasons people work, including after injury or illness. Its four primary cast members include Major League Baseball great Cal Ripken, Jr. and three other individuals who partnered with their employers and health-care professionals to make a plan to stay at or return to work following illness or injury. Their stories emphasize the importance of working together on supportive work strategies—for the benefit of individuals, families, employers and the nation. “Working Works” is the fourth in the CDE’s series of PSAs exploring different aspects of disability employment. To learn more, visit the “Working Works” toolkit.
CDE Receives Gold MarCom Award
October 23, 2018
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has won another industry award. The initiative received a Gold level MarCom Award in the category of website redesign, as well as an honorable mention in the government website category. The MarCom Awards are an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communication professionals. About 6,000 entries were submitted by those ranging from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies. Learn more about the winning entries.
CDE Receives Platinum dotCOMM Award
August 2, 2018
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) website was recently honored with a 2018 Platinum dotCOMM Award in the Government Website category. The award, which honors excellence in web creativity and digital communication, was presented in recognition of the CDE’s revamped website,, which launched earlier this year. The website’s new look and structure have been integral in our mission to promote positive messages about the skills and talents that people with disabilities bring to America’s workplaces and economy. See the full list of dotCOMM winners.
CDE Member USBLN Rebrands as Disability:IN
July 10, 2018
The U.S. Business Leadership Network (USBLN), a founding member of the Campaign for Disability Employment, has rebranded to Disability:IN to better reflect its strengthened mission of empowering businesses to capitalize on the talents of people with disabilities. The new brand was launched July 10 in Las Vegas at the organization’s annual conference and expo, which attracted more than 1,500 people representing businesses and organizations committed to advancing the employment of people with disabilities. Since its inception, Disability:IN has helped 160 partner businesses attract more than 10,000 candidates with disabilities. Learn more about the rebranding.
ODEP Announces 2018 NDEAM Theme – America’s Workforce: Empowering All
May 29, 2018
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has announced that this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme will be America’s Workforce: Empowering All. “A workforce that empowers everyone is good for job seekers as well as job creators,” said the U.S. Secretary of Labor when announcing the theme. “Over the past year, the unemployment rate for individuals with disabilities has significantly declined. Continued steady job creation will provide even more opportunities for all Americans to get hired and provide for their families.” Held every October, NDEAM is a fitting time to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. More information on NDEAM 2018, including the official poster, will be released in coming weeks. Find tools and ideas for celebrating NDEAM.
CDE to Host May 31 Twitter Chat on Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work Practices
April 26, 2018
For many people, work provides not only a paycheck, but also purpose and the opportunity to live an independent, self-directed life. So when significant injury or illness occurs, workers can face difficult choices, including whether to stay at or return to work when feasible. If they leave the labor force for a period of time, they may have understandable concerns about how working will impact disability benefits and services. If they stay at or return to their previous place of employment, they—and their employers—may have legitimate questions about how to ensure a smooth process. During a Twitter chat on May 31, 2018 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET, the CDE will welcome experts from Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program and the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s Job Accommodation Network to answer questions about both scenarios. To join the discussion, use #CDEChat.
Join the #ICanCDE Photo-Sharing Campaign on Social Media
April 3, 2018
Ready to “Say Cheese”? The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is excited to announce the launch of our first ever photo-sharing effort! To help spread the message that, “At work, it’s what people CAN do that matters,” we’re inviting people with disabilities and other friends of the CDE to share photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that highlight what they CAN do at work. Just use the hashtag #ICanCDE when you post your photo.
To participate on Facebook, consider changing your profile photo to a picture for the campaign, and then add our customized photo frame. Or, you can print and hold this sign in your photo and post it to your feeds on all three platforms.
Don’t forget to make your posts accessible by describing your photos in the captions of your posts. (Twitter and Facebook also allow you to add alt-text descriptions to your images.)
We can’t wait to see your photos illustrating the many contributions of people with disabilities—all across social media and in workplaces far and wide.
CDE Blogs for Ticket to Work Program
March 14, 2018
This week, the U.S. Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Blog published a contributed post penned by the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) team. Featuring background on the CDE’s newly redesigned website, the blog highlights some of the stars of the Campaign’s “Who I Am” public service announcement and recommends ways that people with disabilities can leverage CDE resources. Read the CDE’s guest blog.
National Organization on Disability Joins the CDE
January 3, 2018
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is delighted to welcome the National Organization on Disability (NOD) as the campaign’s latest Member. In its new role, NOD will meet regularly with the Office of Disability Employment Policy and fellow CDE Members to help steer the multi-faceted campaign and amplify its messages. NOD is a private, non-profit organization that promotes the full participation and contributions of America’s people with disabilities in all aspects of life. Much of NOD’s activities focus on increasing employment opportunities for the 80-percent of working-age Americans with disabilities who are not employed. To learn more, visit
CDE and EARN to Host January 17 Twitter Chat
January 2, 2018
Disability-friendly workplaces are about more than hiring; they’re about facilitating a supportive culture across an organization’s employment lifecycle, from application to onboarding to advancement. On January 17, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. ET, the Campaign for Disability Employment will explore this concept during a Twitter chat with its Member the Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN). Representatives from EARN will be on hand to discuss its new employer policy framework outlining seven core components of a disability-friendly workplace. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with EARN and others to learn and share how these components can and are being put into practice by businesses both large and small.
NDEAM 2017 Posters Now Available
September 20, 2017
The official poster for National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2017 is now available to order for free in print or electronic copy in English and Spanish from the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s website! Show how “Inclusion Drives Innovation” by displaying these colorful and dynamic posters in your business, organization, classroom or wherever you would like to share the message of NDEAM. Get the posters.
ODEP Announces 2017 NDEAM Theme: Inclusion Drives Innovation
August 3, 2017
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy has announced that this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month theme will be “Inclusion Drives Innovation.” “Americans of all abilities must have access to good, safe jobs,” said the U.S. Secretary of Labor when announcing the theme. “Smart employers know that including different perspectives in problem-solving situations leads to better solutions. Hiring employees with talents and abilities strengthens their business, increases competition and drives innovation.” Find tools and ideas for celebrating NDEAM.
CDE and JAN to Host Twitter Chat on ADA and Accommodations
July 11, 2017
Mark your calendar! In recognition of the 27th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and our founding Member the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) are hosting a Twitter chat on Thursday, July 27, 2017 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET. Titled “#ADA27CDE – Celebrating 27 Years of the ADA,” the chat will feature special guest Tracie DeFreitas, a Lead Consultant at JAN. Don’t miss this chance to engage with Tracie and others in an online discussion about the basics of accommodations and the critical role they play in maximizing employee productivity and creating a supportive workplace culture. To participate in the conversation, please use the hashtag #ADA27CDE.
CDE to Join SSA Ticket to Work Twitter Chat
June 16, 2017
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is delighted to be teaming up with the Social Security Administration (SSA) Ticket to Work program on its next Twitter chat. Scheduled for Thursday, June 29 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET, the chat will explore tips and resources to help people with disabilities find job training and employment support. To participate in the chat, please log on to Twitter and use #DEChat.
CDE Welcomes EARN as Its Newest Member
May 26, 2017
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is pleased to announce that the Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN) has joined the campaign’s membership slate. As such, it will join the CDE’s other seven members in shaping and steering the campaign’s products and future activities. Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy under a cooperative agreement, EARN is a free resource that helps employers tap the benefits of people with disabilities. Learn more about EARN.
CDE and AUCD to Host Twitter Chat on Mental Health in the Workplace
April 21, 2017
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) are hosting a Twitter chat on Thursday, May 11, 2017 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET. Titled “#CDEMentalHealth: Creating Supportive Work Environments for People with Mental Health Disabilities,” the chat will feature special guest Andy Imparato, Executive Director of AUCD. Don’t miss this chance to engage with Andy and others in an online discussion about helping people with mental health disabilities thrive in the workplace. To participate in the conversation, please use the hashtag #CDEMentalHealth. Sample questions that will be posed during the chat include the following:
Q: What do you feel are the pros of being open about a mental health disability at work?
Q: What can employers do to be supportive of people with mental health disabilities?
Q: What are some accommodations that have helped you thrive at work?
Q: What strategies have you used to request accommodations for a mental health disability?
Q: How do you balance caring for your mental health with working?
Q: What resources on workplace mental health do you recommend employers know about?
Q:What do you think all workplaces can do to combat stigma around mental heath disabilities?CDE PSAs To Be Featured at ReelAbilities Film Festival
February 27, 2017
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has announced that its three national public service announcements will be screened during the ReelAbilities Film Festival, which takes place March 9 – 12, 2017 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Thousands are expected for the Hollywood style film screening extravaganza, including notable celebrities and disability thought leaders. Among them are keynote speaker RJ Mitte, well known for his role as Walter “Flynn” White on the AMC hit “Breaking Bad” and one of the participants in the CDE’s “Who I Am” PSA. The festival will include events, workshops, speakers and more than 60 powerful films that showcase the stories, lives and art of people who experience disabilities.
CDE To Join National Down Syndrome Society Webinar on Disability Mentoring
January 19, 2017
In honor of National Mentoring Month, the National Down Syndrome Society is hosting a free webinar on the value of career mentorship for youth with disabilities. Among the speakers will be Derek Shields, co-chair of the National Disability Mentoring Coalition. Scheduled for January 30 at 1 p.m. ET, the online event will explore various disability mentoring program models, tips for effective networking and personal stories from the front lines of mentoring. The event will also showcase CDE tools and resources that support the concepts of mentoring and career preparation for youth with disabilities. To register and learn more, visit the webinar registration page.
CDE and AAPD to Host Twitter Chat on Disability Mentoring
December 16, 2016
In honor of National Mentoring Month and “I Am a Mentor Day,” ODEP’s Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) and its member organization the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) are hosting a Twitter chat on Thursday, January 12, 2017 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET. The chat will feature special guest Derek Shields, co-chair of the National Disability Mentoring Coalition, who will help generate an online discussion about career mentoring and its role in the employment success of people with disabilities, especially those who are new to the workforce. To participate in this important Twitter conversation, please use the hashtag #DisabilityMentors.
CDE Twitter Chat to Feature MLB Ambassador Curtis Pride
September 29, 2016
Please join the Campaign for Disability Employment and the Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society on October 18 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET for a Twitter chat featuring special guest Curtis Pride, former Major League Baseball (MLB) outfielder, current Gallaudet University Head Baseball Coach and MLB Ambassador. Held in honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), the theme of the chat is “Fielding a Full Team in the Workplace.” The chat will focus on what people with disabilities can do to knock their career goals out of the park—and how employers can step up to the plate to support a full team in their workplaces.
Campaign for Disability Employment to Host Twitter Chat on Youth with Disabilities
July 7, 2016
On Thursday, July 28 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET, the Campaign for Disability Employment is hosting its first Twitter chat on advancing the employment prospects of youth and young adults with disabilities. Held in honor of the 26th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the chat will serve as a prelude to this October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) by highlighting why supportive workplace practices are so important for the current generation of youth with disabilities who are either transitioning to or just starting out in the workforce. The chat will explore what today’s post-ADA generation of youth with disabilities see as key to their workplace success—and the ways in which employers can support them. To participate in the Twitter chat, use the hashtag #CDEYouth.
Campaign for Disability Employment Joins Instagram
June 15, 2016
Today, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) announced that it is now on Instagram! With a strong focus on positive imagery and messages about disability and employment, the campaign’s Instagram presence will help further showcase our core message that “at work, it’s what people CAN do that matters.” Follow the CDE on Instagram.
CDE Helps Businesses Communicate Commitment to Disability Employment
March 25, 2015
The Campaign for Disability Employment has new materials that can help businesses express their commitment to the employment of people with disabilities. The free materials include a discussion guide and posters that are centered on the new video public service announcement titled “Who I Am.” The PSA features nine people with disabilities sharing the many ways they describe themselves, from personal interests to family relationships to occupations. The discussion guide and posters are available in English and Spanish. Learn more and download the “Who I Am” materials.
- 2014 - 2009
CDE News 2014-2009
‘Who I Am’ PSA Begins Airing on TV Stations Nationwide
November 16, 2014
The “Who I Am” PSA has begun airing on TV stations around the country. The PSA, which was released at a White House event last month, features nine real people with disabilities who are not defined solely by their disability but instead by their many life roles. View the PSA and learn more about the Campaign for Disability Employment.
CDE Launches ‘Who I Am’ PSA
October 14, 2014
The Campaign for Disability Employment today released a new public service announcement during a White House event celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month. “Who I Am” features nine real people with disabilities who demonstrate that they are the sum of their many life roles. View the PSA and learn more about the Campaign for Disability Employment.
Disability Employment PSA Discussion Guide Now Available
November 20, 2013
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) today announced the availability of a discussion guide to accompany the “Because” public service announcement (PSA) distributed earlier this year. The “Because” PSA has a simple but significant message—that youth with disabilities, like all youth, should grow up expecting to work and succeed, and parents, educators and other adults of influence in their lives should reinforce this expectation at every turn. The new discussion guide—which comes with a DVD containing the PSA—can be used to facilitate a conversation about this important topic among adults or youth in a variety of settings. Free of charge, it is available in both English and Spanish. Learn how to download or order the Discussion Guide.
‘Because’ PSA Shown at Indianapolis 500
June 24, 2013
The Campaign for Disability Employment was off to the races when the “Because” public service announcement aired on the big screen at the Indianapolis 500. The annual event, billed as the Greatest Spectacle in Racing, was attended by more than 250,000 people. The PSA was seen by 1.3 million people throughout the race weekend.
Campaign for Disability Employment Releases ‘Because’ PSA
January 7, 2013
To help millions of people recognize what they can do to make a difference in the lives—and future careers—of young people with disabilities, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Campaign for Disability Employment has released a new video public service announcement titled “Because.” Learn more about the “Because” PSA.
‘What can YOU do?’ Video Contest Runner-Up Winners Announced
June 22, 2012
Today the Campaign for Disability Employment announced the runner-up winners of the 2012 “What can YOU do?” video contest. Overall contest winners in three categories were announced in late May, and the public was asked to participate by voting for the top two videos out of four runners-up. Nearly 900 votes were cast. The first runner-up video, “Hire Me for My Ability,” was submitted by Developmental Disabilities Service Organization Inc.’s Employment Plus program, based in Sacramento, CA, and the second, “Yes I Can,” was submitted by students from the Henry Viscardi School in Albertson, N.Y. Learn more about the video contest.
Campaign for Disability Employment Announces ‘What can YOU do?’ Video Contest Winners
May 29, 2012
The Campaign for Disability Employment has selected the winning videos in the 2012 “What can YOU do?” video contest! This nationwide contest challenged filmmakers to produce disability employment awareness videos that reflect the skills people with disabilities offer, challenge common misconceptions about disability employment and reinforce the CDE’s core message that, at work, it’s what people CAN do that matters. Learn more about the video contest.
Campaign for Disability Employment Announces Video Contest Prizes
February 27, 2012
Would YOU like to win an Apple® iPad® or cash prize? The Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) nationwide video contest is your chance to try! Announced in January, the CDE’s “What can YOU do?” Video Contest was launched to promote the talent and skills that people with disabilities bring to America’s workforce and economy. This is your opportunity to promote positive change by producing a video that illustrates that at work, it’s what people CAN do that matters. Learn more about the video contest.
Campaign for Disability Employment Announces Nationwide Video Contest
January 24, 2012
Can YOU promote positive change and challenge misconceptions about disability employment? Show us! The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has launched a nationwide “What can YOU do?” Video Contest to promote the talent and skills that people with disabilities bring to America’s workforce and economy. This is your opportunity to produce a video that illustrates that at work, it’s what people CAN do that matters. The deadline for entry is March 30, 2012. Learn about the video contest.
Campaign for Disability Employment ‘I Can’ PSA Wins International MarCom Award
November 17, 2011
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) today announced that its “I Can” public service announcement (PSA) has been recognized with a 2011 MarCom Award. The PSA, which challenges common misconceptions about disability and employment, was recognized in the Gold category for “exceeding the high standards of the industry norm.” This marks the fourth industry honor for “I Can,” which was previously recognized by PRWeek, the Public Relations Society of America and PR News.
Campaign for Disability Employment ‘I Can’ PSA Wins Second National Award
July 11, 2011
The Campaign for Disability Employment’s (CDE) “I Can” public service announcement (PSA) was recently recognized by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), the world’s largest and foremost organization of public relations professionals. The PSA, which challenges common misconceptions about disability and employment, was awarded a PRSA Bronze Anvil Award of Commendation (AOC). This marks the second national honor for “I Can,” which was previously recognized by PRWeek in March 2011.
Campaign for Disability Employment ‘I Can’ PSA Honored at National Awards Ceremony
March 15, 2011
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) received Honorable Mention in the category of Best Use of Audio/Video for the “I Can” video public service announcement (PSA) at the 2010 PRWeek Awards held in New York City, March 10, 2011. Each year, PRWeek awards corporate, nonprofit, agency and educational institutions in recognition of excellence in public relations activities.
Campaign for Disability Employment ‘I Can’ PSA Selected as 2010 PRWeek Award Finalist
December 30, 2010
The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) is proud to announce that its “I Can” video public service announcement (PSA) has been selected as a finalist for a 2010 PRWeek Award in the category of “Best Use of Audio/Video.” Each year, PRWeek Awards are awarded to corporate, nonprofit, agency and educational institutions in recognition of excellence in public relations activities. Winners will be announced on March 10, 2011 in New York City at the PRWeek Awards 2011 ceremony.
U.S. Labor Department’s Office of Disability Employment Policy Announces New Outreach Tools from the Campaign for Disability Employment
December 8, 2010
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy today announced a series of new products through the Campaign for Disability Employment that are designed to promote the hiring, retention and advancement of people with disabilities, and dispel negative stereotypes about disability and employment. Learn more about the tools.
Best Buy and the Campaign for Disability Employment Announce National Video Contest Winner
October 29, 2010
Today, Best Buy and the Campaign for Disability Employment, a newly-formed collaborative of leading disability organizations, announced the winner of the What Can YOU Do? Video Contest. The national competition, which attracted more than 130 videos promoting the talent and skills that people with disabilities bring to America’s workplaces and economy, was won by Mississippi native Blake Watson. Learn more about the video contest.
Leading Disability Organizations Launch Campaign for Disability Employment
September 18, 2009
Last evening at the U.S. Business Leadership Network’s (USBLN) Annual Conference and National Career Fair, several leading disability organizations launched the Campaign for Disability Employment, a new collaborative effort to promote positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities. Learn about the campaign.