Social Media User Agreement
The following User Agreement governs all official Campaign for Disability Employment accounts on social media platforms and websites, including, but not limited to, social networking pages, blogs and file sharing sites (i.e., Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram).
Please read this Agreement carefully. This Agreement may be modified at any time. Your participation on any of the Campaign for Disability Employment’s social media accounts constitutes your agreement to comply with these rules and any future revisions. If you cannot follow these rules, please do not participate. You can access this Agreement at any time on Your failure to follow these rules may result in suspension or termination of your access to the Campaign for Disability Employment’s social media accounts, without notice.
Please select the following links to review each section of the Campaign for Disability Employment’s Social Media User Agreement.
Official Sources of Information
The Campaign for Disability Employment may post links to official government information or statements on its social media accounts. However, the Campaign for Disability Employment should not be considered a primary source for this information. The Campaign for Disability Employment is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (DOL/ODEP). Any official statements about the Campaign for Disability Employment will be released by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Comments are Subject to Public Disclosure
All comments submitted or posted on the Campaign for Disability Employment’s social media accounts are subject to public disclosure. The Campaign for Disability Employment reserves the right to remove any content that violates this policy or any applicable law. The Campaign for Disability Employment also reserves the right to block any social media follower who violates any of the terms of this Social Media User Agreement.
Comments by Others are Not Endorsed
The Campaign for Disability Employment does not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify or agree with the comments, opinions or statements posted on its social media accounts. Any online information or material, including advice and opinions, are the views and responsibility of those making the comments. These comments do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy or the United States Government. By submitting or posting a comment, you agree that the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy and the United States Government are not responsible, and shall have no liability to you, with respect to this information, even if it is defamatory, offensive or illicit.
The Right to Report Threatening Comments
The Campaign for Disability Employment reserves the right to report any comments that imply harm or imminent danger to yourself or others. By submitting or posting a comment, you accept that the Campaign for Disability Employment has the right to contact the appropriate authorities to report any suspicious activities, threats or behaviors.
Comments Submitted on Social Media Accounts
The Campaign for Disability Employment reserves the right to review, edit, move or delete any material submitted as a comment on its social media accounts. When possible, the Campaign for Disability Employment team will remove personally identifiable information or delete comments to protect visitors’ identities. Visitors should not include identifiable information (e.g., an email address, Social Security Number or phone number) in their comment.
Sometimes the comment and/or contact information will be forwarded to other federal agency representatives, who may be better able to address the issue. With the exception of authorized law enforcement investigations, or as otherwise required by law, the Campaign for Disability Employment team will not share personal information with any other outside organizations.
While we encourage submissions from all viewpoints, we ask that all participants agree to the following Terms of Participation:
- Please post only questions or comments directly related and relevant to the Campaign for Disability Employment and the topics discussed.
- Refrain from posting questions that contain threats, obscenities and any other material that would violate the law if published, such as abusive, defamatory or sexually explicit material.
- Submissions containing the following will be deleted:
- Obscene or threatening language or discrimination (hate speech) based on race, sex, gender, religion, national origin, age or disability;
- Commercial services or products;
- Any personal or sensitive information (phone numbers, email or postal addresses);
- Any endorsement of religious beliefs/practices or political parties, candidates or groups;
- Any posts or links intended to influence (lobby) a Member of Congress or government official on legislation or an appropriation; and
- Solicitations for donations through fundraising sites (e.g., GoFundMe, Kickstarter, Crowdrise and similar platforms).
If your original post includes a resource for people with disabilities, the Campaign for Disability Employment may ask you to change your comment by removing any part that violates the Terms of Participation.
Although the Campaign for Disability Employment will monitor all websites on a regular basis for inappropriate or defamatory content, comments submitted after regular business hours, Monday through Friday, or on weekends will be reviewed on the next business day.
External Links
The Campaign for Disability Employment reserves the right to remove any URLs that pose or appear to pose a security threat to the site, the United States Government and other users. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy and the United States Government do not necessarily endorse links to other websites or the information, products or services contained therein. All links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of the Campaign for Disability Employment. Users are advised to click on links posted by other users at their own risk.
Section 508 Compliance
Third party social media platforms and websites may not be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Therefore, any information posted by the Campaign for Disability Employment on any of its social media accounts will be available in alternate formats if requested. To request information in an alternate format, please contact the Campaign for Disability Employment team.
Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the United States Government. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.