Resources for State Agencies

State agencies have a critical role to play in advancing disability employment and improving career outcomes for people with disabilities—and it starts with public education and demonstrations of support for supportive workplace practices.

Employees with disabilities are an untapped talent pool, poised to bring unique skills and talents to America’s public- and private-sector employers. But they can’t put those skills to work for organizations and economies if they aren’t recruited, hired and set up for success on the job.

As we work collaboratively to combat stigma and promote positive messages about disability employment, it is crucial for state agencies to create accessible and supportive environments that promote greater workforce participation and employment success for workers with disabilities. This includes promoting your state as a model employer of people with disabilities, amplifying key messages about disability and inspiring others to implement supportive workplace practices.

To assist in these efforts, the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) encourages state agencies to access the following resources:

What Can State Agencies Do? – A Step-by-Step Implementation Guide for State Agencies

Download and print this CDE implementation guide to:

  • Learn how state agencies can play a role in educating audiences about the employment of people with disabilities.
  • Explore specific campaigns, products and resources offered by the CDE.
  • Discover specific steps you can take to join the CDE movement and advance disability employment efforts in your state.

Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN)
A central resource for online tools, technical assistance resources, webinars, publications and news on the employment of people with disabilities. EARN also offers a state government page focused on helping states become model employers of people with disabilities.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
The leading source of free, expert and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Its consultants are available at no charge via email or live chat. JAN also offers information focused on state government employers.

State Exchange on Employment and Disability (SEED)
A unique state-federal collaboration that supports state and local governments in adopting and implementing policies that lead to increased employment opportunities for people with disabilities. SEED also offers guidance on State As a Model Employer (SAME) initiatives.

A Step-by-Step CDE Implementation Guide for State Agencies

What Can State Agencies Do? – A Step-by-Step CDE Implementation Guide for State Agencies
For state agencies looking to engage in public education about disability employment, whether internally or externally, the CDE’s offerings can prove especially useful. Download and/or print this guide to learn more about advancing disability employment efforts in your state.

Download and print the PDF of the state agency guide